Watch the EWD Training Video or follow the steps below.
There are two ways you can open the edit/add events page.
Tap the "Events View" button.
Press "CANCEL" before confirming previous Events.
The Events View Page shows your work and rest events. White events are editable, grey events were previously confirmed by you and cannot be edited.
Press the Event you would like to Edit.
Confirm the event details and scroll down to complete all the information.
Tap the notes box to add comments about your change. This is a mandatory field.
Press the date box to edit the event.
To change the time, TAP on the hour on the left clock and then drag the circle to select the correct hour, you can do the same with the minutes. Then press "OK"
The process of adding an event is very similar to the one of editing an event. An event can only be added to a time period that has not been marked as confirmed.
From the Events View Page, Tap the “+" icon.
A page very similar to the Edit Event Page will pop up. Follow the same instructions, add a work or rest event and select a date and time.